
Homemade Facial Masks to cure Acne

Cucumber Mask
A very easy mask for all skin types, particularly acne prone skin. All you need is;
1/2 peeled cucumber
1 egg white
1/2 cup white vinegar
2 cups dry oatmeal
3 tablespoons honey
1/2 cup flour

Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl to form a thick paste. After washing your face apply this mask to entire face and let it dry for half an hour. Now remove and rinse with cold water. Repeat weakly and continue as a combination therapy with other acne remedies to get rid of pimples fast.

Honey and Baking Soda Mask
This is a very effective homemeade mask to clear acne. It has both cleansing and anti inflammmatory effects due to baking soda and honey contents. A regular use help to cure acne fast and naturally.
Honey 1 tablespoons
1 Cucumber (peeled)
Baking Soda
1 Egg White

All you have to do is to blend cucumber in a blender, add some vinegar, honey, oatmeal and lastly egg white. Blend them well to form a paste and spread over the entire face. Wait for twenty minutes to let it work. Rinse with cold water and repeat twice a week. This is a simple and effective acne solution.

Oatmeal Mask to Clear Acne
All you need is
Oatmeal = 1 cup
Salt = 4 tablespoons
Milk = 1 cup
Strawberries = 2 only

Mix milk, mayonnaise and salt in a bowl. Now use a blender to blend strawberries with oatmeal till they form a mesh. Add rest of the ingredients and mix well to get a smooth paste. Apply to the whole face as well as back and chest where ever you have acne. Let it harden, then wash away. Repeat weakly. This will be immediately improve the skin texture and help to get rid of pimples within a few weaks.

Almond and Honey Mask
This is an easy to make facial mask that is a natural cure for acne and pimples.Once you ground the ingredients, store in an air tight jar and keep in the refrigrator. Now it is very easy and fast to prepare.
Honey 1 table spoon
Almonds 1/2 table spoon
Macadamia Nuts 1/2 table spoon
1 egg
Rolled oats
Lemon Juice
Ground almonds and macadamia nuts. Now add rest of the ingredients and blend well to form a paste. Add lemon to get required consistancy. Apply to the acne areas as well as whole face. Wash away after fifteen or twenty minutes. Repeat twice a week and your acne will be gone in a week or two.